Navigating the Intricacies of Infant Growth: 8 Common Phases of Baby Development

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Understanding Infantile Oral Exploration

This is a common phase of development where a baby explores their environment by putting different objects in their mouth. Whether it’s a toy, their toes, or anything else within reach, your little one is information hunting about their surroundings. The main questions in their mind are – Is the object hard or soft? Can I consume it? This is your child’s unique way of comprehending the world since they are not yet able to voice out queries in the manner adults do. Sensory exploration forms a critical part of a baby’s early learning process, according to child development expert Lerner.

Link to Teething

Among other reasons why your infant seems so determined to give every object a mouth trial is teething. There is a high tendency that your baby’s gums have started erupting with new teeth. This typically starts between 4 to 6 months of age, intensifying their gnawing urges.

Ensuring Safety During Oral Exploration

While it’s vital to allow your child to satisfy their natural curiosity, parents must also ensure their safety. Make sure to keep dangerous items out of your baby’s grasp. Items that are small enough to fit through a toilet paper tube, scissors, letter openers, sharp objects, and toxic substances such as cleaning products and medicines should be kept out of reach. One might find what hazards hidden hazards are present by crawling around and looking from the baby’s perspective.

Interacting Safely with Tiny Objects

If your baby ends up putting something minute in their mouth, it’s advisable to remove it promptly and replace it with a safe item like a teether. While parents cannot completely curtail this stage of oral fixation, it usually begins to lessen between 12 to 18 months. This shift coincides when the infant’s focus turns towards acquiring other skills such as walking and talking.

Steps for Household Babyproofing

Creating a safe environment for your baby to explore and develop is paramount. Ensuring a household free from potential threats requires meticulous babyproofing. Stay tuned for our comprehensive guide on how to babyproof your house!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Why do babies put everything in their mouth?

Babies put everything into their mouths as a way of learning about their environment. They are exploring textures, shapes, and tastes in ways they can’t yet do with their hands or eyes. It’s also a way for them to soothe their gums when teething.

  • When do babies start teething?

Most babies start teething around 4 to 6 months of age.

  • How can I keep my baby safe during the oral exploration stage?

Babyproof your home. Keep small, sharp, or poisonous items out of reach. Regularly check for hidden hazards at their level. If they put something potentially harmful in their mouth, remove it immediately and provide a safe teether instead.